Monday, February 14, 2011

Who's ready for spring........

I was saying just yesterday that although I have enjoyed this winter I am ready for it to be over and spring to come.  I cant wait to get out into my garden and I love the smell of the ground thawing.  Temperatures are set to rise again later this week and hopefully it will thaw most of the white stuff that is still covering the ground.  In the mean time enjoy these photos of the flowers yet to come..........

Happy Valentines Day !


Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hey nice photos...are they from my garden...oh I crack myself up!!!!! Spring is coming I can feel it in my bones....have a good day!!! x0x0

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

LOVE your new header!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish,
I am definitely ready for spring!Beautiful white flowers!
Happy belated Valentine's Day... hope it was a good one. :)